Crystal Dreaming® is a twenty-first century drug-free shamanic process that creates a safe opening to the superconscious. It enables anyone to have a firsthand, experience of other realities, times and places while remaining fully conscious. Clearing any blocks to complete self-realisation in the process.

Raym’s interactions with the Spirit World as a contemporary shaman over more than 25 years are captured in these true-life stories. They offer an accurate depiction of what can happen to anyone during a Crystal Dreaming® session.

Stories are extracted from Raym’s book “Spirit World” which is available as an ebook or hard copy through Apple Books and Amazon or directly from the publishers.

Take your time reading these stories. take a break between stories and feel into their content and how they have affected you. Explore the Reflections page for contemplation of the knowledge you have absorbed through this website. 

These stories demonstrate our enormous potential as  infinitely powerful sovereign beings of light. Raym reveals the inter-connectedness of all things and the power of unconditional love and forgiveness in self-healing. 

Read these stories out aloud, share them with your friends and please pass on this website, it is free. 

It could offer invaluable help for a loved one.

Raym Richards